There is something about Rome that can capture your heart and soul. The air you breath, the sights you see, the sounds you hear. It's almost magical and I feel as if I've walked into a fairytale. In the time I have spent whispering to the voices both young and old hiding here, I have learned so much. Each crack, paint chip and new door has a story they wish to tell and I still can't help but be amazed to hear it. The ancient with the young standing together as one large being, overflowing with life. Sometimes I fear I will wake from a dream and find the beautiful colors disappear as if it was all a world of fantasy. When I feel overwhelmed I can sit almost any where and just look around taking in the sights of the streets, of the buildings, of the people, and each and every being I lay my eyes on is beautiful. I have walked to streets of the Vatican and frequented the Pantheon in my spare moments.  To take in the atmosphere alone is a privilege, but to take photos and to capture each line with a pen and pencil is an honor. I look forward to hearing more secrets these streets have to tell me as well as learning the wisdom of the ancient walls still standing before me. The beauty in the details continues to send my mind into awe as I imagine myself walking in the very footsteps of people from so long ago.